Pizza for lunch

21 06 2009

I bought a Boboli 100% whole wheat pizza crust last week, so today I decided to try it out for lunch.

On the dough I layered:

  • a couple of spoons of tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup part skim ricotta
  • 1/2 cup blend of shredded whole milk mozarella, fontina, provolone, parmesan
  • a bunch of fresh basil leaves pinched from my plant
  • cracked pepper


It wasn’t very good. I forgot to hold the basil until after baking. Oops. Realized it after it went in the oven. The crust was really dense and didn’t puff up much.

I finally was able to move my bike upstairs, with help from both my parents. It now has a prime spot in front of the TV. Last night my mom used it for half an hour while watching the chinese version of American Idol (Kuai Le Nu Sheng). I love it because it takes so little space and it’s so quiet. I’m not sure if the bike is going to stay in front of the TV, but my parents never watch TV there anyway so I doubt they’d mind. Here’s my sweet setup:


In other news, this is where my shin hurts!


I can’t tell if the pain is from under the bone, or in between a bone and a muscle, or what. Doctor’s appointment tomorrow.

Dinnertime. Mom made ribs braised in soy sauce, wine, and brown sugar. YUM.

6/19 – 6/20

21 06 2009

Friday nigh is probably my favorite time to go to the gym. I don’t have to worry about work the next day, or what to bring to lunch, or taking care of errands because everything can wait until the weekend. The gym is so empty and quiet it’s cavernous, and I can usually use whatever machine/weight/area I want. Sometimes I’ll just sit on the bike and pedal with low resistance for 2 hours because there’s something funny on TV to watch.

Friday – 6/19

I did deadlifts and squats and other weights for 25 minutes, then walked/stairmastered/took it easy while watching wheel of fortune and jeopardy for 40 minutes. I’ve never done deadlifts/squats with a barbell before and I would really like to, but the barbells are in the weight room downstairs (along with all the dumbbells >25lbs, kettleballs, squat cages, pull-up and dip bars, etc.), which is often occupied by 90%+ men. I’ll give it a try next week.

Saturday – 6/20

Went to indoor cycling class. Woke up at 7:30, scarfed down a banana and a bottle of water, was on the bike by 8am. 45 minutes total including warm-up and cool-down. Max heart rate 165, average 135 or something. I introduced myself to a girl that I see almost every time I go, and nearly every friday night — she’s a senior at Gettysburg! Came back and made a protein shake with whey powder, an iced coffee from 7-11, and half and half in roughly the following ratio:

10oz iced coffee

full scoop protein powder

a glug of half and half

sugar to taste

Pretty much the only time I eat added sugar is right after my workout, because the resulting spike in insulin allows for more efficient uptake of amino acids into the muscles.

Sunday – 6/21

I woke up sooooooo DOMS-y today in my butt and hamstrings, probably from squats/deadlifts on Friday. I haven’t done them in awhile. After walking around the mall for 2 hours, everything felt less sore and stiff. 🙂 Might go for a long, easy ride later on my new Schwinn IC Pro! 😀

Next post will have pictures and a recipe for the pizza I made for lunch!

Happy Father’s day.

I got a new indoor cycling bike!

20 06 2009

Today I got this new bike off craigslist for 350$. The man who sold it to me said it was a “a coupla years old” but in immaculate condition, so I drove the 1 hour + to his house to see it. It looked a little dirty and rusty, but the bike itself was perfectly functional, with a few stray squeaks (I shall lube it up *smirk*). The man was so kind: he helped me carry the bike downstairs, and we decided to compromise on 375$. Except, when I reached into my wallet, I found that I only had C-notes and 50s, so he let me have it for 350$.

I can’t wait to ride! Right now, it’s in my foyer because I can’t move the thing upstairs (it’s 125lbs and so unwieldy to lift!), in front of the TV, which will be its eventual home. No longer shall Iwake up at 7am on Saturdays to go to indoor cycling class (as I did today). AND I’ll be able to watch So you think you can dance on my rides!

An update on my shin: It’s been 3 weeks 9 days since my last run (which I cut short about half a mile in) and I still feel pain when I hop, leap, or run. Anything that involves coming down on my right foot with more force than a walking step results in a spot of soreness about three inches from my ankle that only intensifies with more activity. At least it doesn’t hurt to walk anymore! I have an appointment with a sports medicine doctor on Monday (in two days). From everything I’ve read and been told, it’s best not to run at all until I can do so without any discomfort.

Hence the bike. Getting it upstairs is some serious compound lifting.